Family Style Food Festival

Family Style Food Festival


The Hundreds, DoorDash


Strategy, Event Production, Design, Installation, Brand Partnerships, Sales


September 2019 / Television City Studios, Los Angeles

Family Style Fest by The Hundreds is a new kind of festival that combines the culinary world with street wear and youth culture.

Food festivals can be boring, snobbish, and exclusive. Food, on the contrary, is fun, communal, and the basis of gathering.

Food is the oldest reason in the book to unite people – it signifies cultures, opens dialogue, and establishes a common ground.

Family Style celebrates collaboration between respected chefs/restaurants and popular brands/designers who create special, menu items and merchandise that are exclusive to our event only.

The event itself is also a collaboration of cultures, merging the “foodie” world with street fashion, contemporary art with music. The festival is open to all ages, all backgrounds, and all interests that are reflective of LA’s diverse makeup.

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